Apple laptop with Strategy Builder on the screen. View themes along the left and expert strategies on the right
Pick an expert strategy and turn on email alerts

Strategy Builder

Don’t know where to start trading? Trading Central Strategy builder offers a collection of filters and Expert Strategies to help you get started.
About TC

Today, you will learn how to find and select an expert strategy that is fitting to your goals. Let’s get started!

When you first land into Strategy Builder, you’ll notice a section titled Expert Strategies on the Discovery tab.

Here you can see the latest Expert Strategies that we’ve published. Notice the name of the screens, which hint at the nature of investment criteria being used to filter the markets.

We can quickly see how many matching stocks there are right now.

You can also take a look at the annualized return achieved by a mock portfolio using this strategy. We are going to select the strategy that’s showing one of the best historical performance figures.

Click on the strategy to learn more!

On this page you will learn about the strategy's objective and the specific criteria it's using. As you scroll down, you will see the list of instruments that match the selected criteria. At the bottom of the page, in the Historical Performance section, you can backtest the strategy and see how it has performed versus a benchmark index.

Select an expert strategy and turn on email alerts!

Notice that on this strategy page we see a list of the Top 10 matches

Now let’s suppose you use this list to build an investment portfolio that meets this strict criteria. Meanwhile, the markets are constantly changing and you may want to keep your portfolio in tune with this strategy as the months and years pass. There’s no easier way to do this than to set up email alerts.

Email alerts will tell you when some of these companies drop out of this top 10 list, and other companies move into the top 10.

Your first step is click the Save button in the top right corner. You will see the name and description of the screen, and take the time to notice this very important toggle to turn on email alerts. You will get an update when there are any changes to the "top 10" matches”. You can choose whether you want emails on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis. Click to Save New Screen, and you’re all set!

It’s important to make sure you have an email address registered with our alerts.

View your Saved Screens and turn on alerts at any time by clicking on the"Saved Screens" tab in the top right corner.